It Is Not About The Cards You Are Dealt, But How You Play The Hand

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Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes; you often find it when you least expect it. In fact, you usually find it when you least expect it. Which is exactly what happened to me when I was “introduced” to Sparsh Shah. This amazing young man is one of those people who just stands out, but maybe not for the reasons you would expect.

My kids, my husband and I watch the show Little Big Shots. If you’re not familiar with it, this is a program that showcases adorable, gifted and/or talented kids and allows them to perform for the masses. It is co-produced by Ellen DeGeneres and Steve Harvey, and hosted by Mr. Harvey, so the tone is very light and positive. In my opinion, it is good family fun and provides a lot of oohs, aahs, and “look at that!”s in my house. Every once in awhile though, there is truly a lesson to be learned – a performer that makes an impact.

Sparsh Shah is a 14-year old rapper and song writer. He also happens to have been born with a debilitating disease. According to his Facebook page, “Sparsh (Stage Name: PURHYTHM) is a 14-year-old child prodigy who was born with an incurable disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which makes his bones extremely fragile/brittle, due to which even a hard hand shake can break his bones.” For many people, this would have kept them down, held them back, and presented challenges that they felt they could never overcome. Instead, this remarkable young man chooses to be an inspiration. Take a minute to watch the video above and meet him for yourself.

“Why waste your life in sadness when you can enjoy a life of happiness?” he asks. That is the question. Think about your life and all of the things that you choose to get down over. Happiness is a choice, so you can choose to wallow in your sorrows or you can choose to begin each day with positivity. Nothing is perfect. In the card game of life, most people aren’t dealt a straight flush. You get the hand that you get and you choose what to do with it. It is your card game to play or squander, but the onus is on you. Now, take a minute to watch Sparsh truly enjoy his passion and gift in the video below!

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