7 Steps To Start Focusing On Solutions Rather Than Problems
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Focusing on solutions rather than problems may seem like a challenging task, but if you put some good problem-solving skills to use, anyone can do it. Here is a good way to get started!
Everyday life can be challenging and stressful. We are faced with numerous problems at any given time and it can feel like that is all we are ever dealing with.
We focus on the issues in our lives so heavily because it seems like such a long distance to find a solution. No one has the time or energy to push that far.
There are ways to get out from under that anxiety and depression, though. Problem-solving techniques that will help you find effective solutions so that you can put that difficulty in the past.
It is time to make the decision to be one of the proactive people who get things done, decided, and into the past. It doesn’t take much time, but it does take a little work.
1. Adjust Your Attitude
The best way to start focusing on solutions to any problem is by taking a look at yourself first. A negative mindset isn’t going to get you very far, and with complex problems, you may have a long road ahead.
If you decide that things are a disaster, your personal life is in shambles, and there is nothing to be done, you’ve lost any battle far before you’ve even tried to fight it. It’s time to be a more positive person.
Positivity is a choice. It can take extra work to get yourself into a better place psychologically, but any negative type of thinking will keep you stuck right where you are. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
You are the one who will have to do the problem solving, so looking at your attitude towards difficult situations is going to be a huge part of the solution. If you believe that things can change, you will have the power to change them.
2. Analyze The Root
Once you’ve got yourself in a better frame of mind, it’s time to take a look at the big problem. Problems can be emotional and overwhelming, such that seeing any possible solutions feels impossible.
But it is time to put your critical thinking hat on and take your emotional hat off. Pretend like you are a district court judge presiding over the case and start considering things in a different way.
When judges or court mediators are assigned to a case, their job is to get to the root of the issue. To take a little time to wade through everything but the facts and find effective ways of solving the problem.
What is the real problem that you are dealing with? Where did it start and what keeps it going?
If you are having big issues at your job, are you able to leave? Is the root issue your behavior, your finances, your relationship? What is the real problem after all is said and done?
You cannot get yourself into a solution-focused mindset if you are lost in your emotions. You will get better results from yourself if you can take a deep breath and look at the root cause of the problem through clear eyes.
3. Figure Out Your End Goal
What are you hoping to accomplish by solving your problem? Where do you hope you will be and what do you hope will happen?
You can’t create a plan of action without something to strive for, so knowing your desired results is an incredibly important part of the process.
As you start thinking through what to aim for, be sure to ask yourself the right questions. These will differ depending on your problem, but try to figure out what gets down to the basics.
At the end of the day, what would you like to see happen that will lead to your happiness?
4. Focus On What Control You Have
Problems can be overwhelming because they make us feel like we are out of control. As if the only thing we will experience is exactly what is happening now. But the good news is that with any given problem, there is something that you can do.
Now that you have worked on getting to the root of the problem, try to think through the specific position that you are in. Are you directly involved in the problem or is it happening to someone else?
Think through how you are contributing to the issues. There are very few situations that we find ourselves in where we are not contributing something to a problem. If you absolutely can’t think of anything, perhaps it’s a lack of doing something that contributes.
In many situations, you are the only one who can make the positive change you are looking for in your life, so think about the important roles you play and how you might be able to handle them differently.
5. Suss Out What You CAN Do
While we do have some control in almost every situation, figuring out the right moves to make toward potential solutions should be scrutinized before doing anything at all.
Just because you have the ability to do something in a situation doesn’t mean that you should, so finding a suitable solution for any given problem does take some hard work.
Think through any negative effects that your actions may cause. Will they make the problem worse on a grand scale or only for a short time while things readjust?
Is this a natural problem that most people deal with? Consider consulting with a close family member or friend who has dealt with a similar problem. The way they resolved the issue will help you, whether you’d like to do the same thing or choose to do the opposite.
Sometimes the best solution will be doing nothing at all. In these cases, sitting back and not engaging may seem like the simple way to handle things, but it’s often a very hard way because you are emotionally involved.
6. Get Creative
Not all problems will have a clear answer, so it’s important to have an open mind.
When you are so focused on the problems themselves, you can have trouble finding different solutions, but they are there if you can adjust the way you’re thinking.
Work through the problem-solving process as if it was a choose-your-own-adventure book. Play out each available scenario based on what you could do differently.
As you consider all of your options, try to think outside of the box as well. How about asking the boss for a promotion even though there isn’t a position available? What if you moved? What if you started playing guitar?
Everything is an idea, so don’t let one go until you play it out to the end in your mind.
7. Get Out Of Your Own Way
One of the biggest things that gets in the way of solving problems is the person you see when you look in the mirror.
It would never be your honest intention to keep problems as they are, but more often than not, when a problem doesn’t get solved, it is because we are sabotaging ourselves.
It is important to see good things when they are staring you in the face. We are all looking for the best outcome, but sometimes you’ll get exactly what you want if you rearrange your expectations.
If you need a car for work, don’t keep passing on every car that you see available. You may not find the red Corvette of your dreams, but if you choose the reliable car that you can purchase today, you’ll be able to get to work and pay your bills. Make that your bigger dream.
Adjust your expectations so that you can approach things as a solution-oriented person as opposed to a combative one who fixates on the issues alone. If you can get out of your own way, you’ll likely experience the best outcome.
Learning how to start focusing on solutions rather than problems is a fabulous way to live a happier and healthier life as you work towards adjusting your mindset.
With a solution-driven mindset, you’ll be more apt to face problems head-on rather than allowing the anxiety and stress to consume you.
I must have focus want to be not to let people reacting