Strong Selfie Will Help Your Girls Feel Empowered
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Strong Selfie sent a box to my daughter for review. All reactions, opinions, excitement, and bags under my eyes in the video are my own!
I am all about empowerment. I love opportunities to empower other people or be a part of other people sharing ways to empower ourselves. A company that I was recently introduced to – Strong Selfie – is about that as well, but specifically for our daughters!
The mission of Strong Selfie is to help our girls understand how strong they are. Each gift box contains unique items that both make your child feel pampered and empowered.
Strong Selfie sent my daughter a box so that we could check it out! Watch that below!
So far, my daughter has had a blast with this box and she is keeping both the journal and empowerment cards on her dresser. The cards will soon be put up on her wall as reminders of how awesome and strong she is. These are the messages we want our daughters thinking about themselves!
Strong Selfie is a subscription box, so you can purchase one for the young women in your life or get them a subscription that will arrive quarterly. There are two boxes to choose from – one for girls 8-12 and another for girls 13-17. Check them out! These are perfect for the holidays or as birthday gifts!