Empower Yourself

Learning how to empower yourself is a journey, but a very exciting and uplifting one!

You are strong, you are resilient, you smart and you are capable, you just have to build the tools to remind yourself. Here you can learn how to feel empowered, how to feel positive, how to set boundaries, and how to stay healthy during the challenging and less challenging times.

Empowering yourself isn’t just finding the answers, but learning the questions to ask – of yourself and other people.

Find the self care steps that you may not have known were the right moves to empower yourself. The path is up ahead, you just have to learn how to put one foot in front of the other in the most healthy way possible.

Stop Protecting People From The Natural Consequences Of Their Actions

Stop Protecting People From The Natural Consequences Of Their Actions

Learning the difference between helping and enabling is a tough one, but allowing someone to face the consequences of their actions is often when they learn the most. I’m a pretty big Dr. Phil fan. I have always liked his straightforwardness and I appreciate his insight. My background is in psychology and working with the…

If You Don’t Like Something, Change It; If You Can’t, Change Your Attitude

If You Don’t Like Something, Change It; If You Can’t, Change Your Attitude

There are many things that we have no control over in this world. We never know what the weather will be like, we aren’t prepared for job layoffs, our bodies can fall sick or break bones and so many more things can happen. Sometimes this can make us feel powerless and confused, but more often…