Mindfulness Meditation Exercises – Month #2
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Last month we talked a little bit about Mindfulness Meditation and what you can do to help center yourself. This is month two, so let’s move on to our next exercise. These exercises are meant to help you find some peace within yourself and help guide you towards a more calm and positive existence. You can practice these activities on the train, in the car, at dinner, at the grocery store – wherever works for you. The most important thing is to do them – and do them consistently – in order to see their effectiveness on your life.
Mindfulness Meditation Exercise – Month #2
This is about being kind, but turning it inward. Be sure not to leave yourself out of the equation. Here is my challenge to you:
Give yourself a compliment every day. Write it in a notebook (meant for this purpose) or speak it out loud to yourself or another person.
This might sound silly, but affirming the good things that you are doing will help you find the positivity. When you pay yourself these compliments, mean them and say them out loud and/or write them down. Hearing the words out loud (not in your head) has a different effect on you and being able to read them makes a concrete imprint.
These compliments can be anything large or small, but phrase them in a way that you would phrase them when paying the compliment to someone else. “You did a great job on that project today.” “Dinner was delicious, thank you for cooking.” “Your hair is so pretty when you style it like that.” “You really kept it together thought a tough situation today, good job.” The more positivity that we can bring into our worlds, the more peace and appreciation we begin to have. Continue writing down your three good things for the day and incorporate your compliments into your new routine. Good luck!